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How is a neuropsychological assessment helpful?

Neuropsychological assessments are helpful for a few reasons. First, it clarifies whether your cognitive changes are genuine or just perceived. Second, your neuropsychologist can help you to come up with strategies and mechanisms to manage your cognitive problems. Thirdly, you receive personalized feedback using data-driven modifications to your lifestyle to help prevent disease, or to manage neurologic symptoms. Lastly, age-related cognitive impairment is not uncommon, and having a baseline with which you can compare as you age is incredibly helpful. For example, if you never completed bloodwork, how would you know what is normal for you? Or what you need to work on to improve abnormal levels?

Can you tell me whether I will develop a neurologic disease?

Although I wish I could, I cannot tell you with certainty whether you will go on to develop a disease. For those with family members of neurodegenerative diseases, this can be frightening. If you have obtained genetic testing, your neuropsychological report can be integrated with that information. The results of cognitive testing can provide us with information as to whether there is concern for the development of a condition, and can certainly provide us with information when a condition has progressed. 

How does it work? 

Dr. Cecil will conduct an hour long intake interview with you to learn about what you have noticed. If this is for a person with a neurodegenerative disease, family will need to be present to provide collateral information for the patient. Following the intake, cognitive testing will be scheduled. Testing takes anywhere from 3-4 hours, depending on the presenting problem or referral question. After testing, Dr. Cecil will score and interpret your test data and present findings to you in a report. This usually takes 1-2 weeks. Dr. Cecil will then go over test results with you and provide personalized recommendations during a feedback session. 

Do you take insurance?

Unfortunately, the time and investment required to take insurance takes away from time spent on patients. Dr. Cecil has chosen not to take insurance, but is happy to supply a Superbill so that you can file with your insurance. She can also discuss some of the benefits to not using insurance for your evaluation if you have further questions. 

Do you provide therapy?

Dr. Cecil's primary focus is on diagnostic assessment, feedback, and education. There are often times when brief or extended therapy is warranted and Dr. Cecil will provide referrals to providers in the area. Dr. Cecil does work with a small caseload of doctors and advanced practice practitioners, who are faced with the challenges of providing care to others.